Thursday, March 7, 2013

Best Tricks for health

Good Food
it is necessary for you to have a balanced food to get a beautiful look. A food is called balanced when it has the right amount of fiber and nutrients. The diet should be low on fat. Have enough fruits and vegetables daily. Fruits and vegetables are full of vitamins. The food that you consume must be of the right proportion. The right amount of diet in necessary for a healthy body and a beautiful look. Consult a dietician and know the exact amount of calories which you should intake in a day. Make sure that your diet should not be less in nutrition or vitamins.
Water is important
Water flushes out the toxins. A good amount of liquid intake helps the entire system and of course is best for curing skin ailments.
Drinking 7-8 glasses of water will help you to wash away the impurities and toxic material from the body. This will help you to get healthy skin and hair. Dehydration results in lethargy and tiredness. The water helps in the fluid circulation in the body. This way you will get rid of the impurities of the body easily.
Exercise will help you to get a healthy body and mind. You would have definitely dreamt of a six packs abs. The perfect figure will help you to wear any dresses of your choice. If you are a female then you have dreamt to have a sexy figure like the models. To get a perfect figure you must exercise regularly. It might not be possible to exercise for more than one hour every day. In that case exercise for 15-20 minutes daily. This will also help you to get the prefect figure and your skin and hair will glow too.
you need to sleep well to get a good health. Every day you must get a sleep of 7-8 hours. If you sleep less then you might have hormonal imbalance. You must get uninterrupted sleep to have a smooth metabolic system. If you are not getting an uninterrupted sleep then you should avoid the followings:
Stop smoking 
Smoking is very harmful for health. It is very dangerous for us. Do not smoke your health away. Nicotine patches, gums or inhalers might work for some individuals, or other methods, from hypnosis to acupuncture. More you are to smoke, more likely you are to develop cancer or heart disease.

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